Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well, its been quite a while since I've cracked into the ole blog and quite a few things have chanced.  Baylee is now almost a year old and has 6 teeth with 2 more otw, she's drinking from a sippy cup like a champ, and hating the mushy baby food.  She loves ravoli's and is growing faster than i could have ever imagined. 

I now have a new superhero.  She doesn't wear her underwear outside her leggings or wear a mask or fly through the air, she dons a white lab coat and helps people get better.  After getting the news from the START center in San Antonio that the second clinical trial I was on wasn't working and getting very little assistance from them as to what our next move should be, she saw one patient and has been on the phone from about 8 am today to a little after 5 pm with drug companies, clinical trial facilities in Colorado, Houston, and Nashville, trying to find a drug to beat this demon growing inside me.  I thanked her so many times today for what she's doing but she keeps saying, thats what I have to do.  Babe, I know its what you have to do, and I love you and thank you for it more than words could imagine.  If it weren't for you and Baylee, I can honestly say I'd have thrown in the towel long ago and just asked to be comfortable.  So thank you sweets.

And for anyone who reads this, these two are my main motivation to keep pumping posion into my body to kill this cancer.

Peace Out!!

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong my son, it will pay off. I love you, Momma
