Saturday, September 10, 2011

8 - Thanksgiving

Of all the 8 blogs I've done, this might be the hardest to get started and put into words, so here goes.  Thursday the 7th Steph and I went to MD Anderson in Houston for my followup CT scans and to see Dr. Hong for my "restaging" of my treatments.  For the past week or so I haven't slept much and when I did it was Heath ninja sleep. Rolling and kicking and tossing about.  The night before we left was the worst. Hardly any sleep at all.  So we leave the house around 5 am and my precious wife drives us the whole way down there. Steph, you are my angel.  We get there and have blood work done then wait for the CT scan.  Had that done around 8pm ish and head to the hotel.  Being completely exhausted we both crashed (after ordering a great pizza).  So my appt with Dr. Hong was scheduled for 9am, we go in and see his nurse then his PA, she had results for part of my scan but I wanted Dr. Hong to give em to me.  Steph peeked over and saw some good news and started grinning from ear to ear. Hong came in later and the radiologist report showed the biggest tumor that started at 5cm is now 4cm.  The rest of them were almost half their original size.  Praise GOD!!!!  Steph and I tried to control ourselves as much as possible and thank goodness Dr. Hong wasn't in there more than 5 min bc when he left we hugged and cried the biggest tears of joy ever!!!  It's working, It's working!!!  So I get my infusion down there and we leave around 2ish.  After several phone calls and texts to family and friends things calm down a bit.  Knowing the mighty Crowell Wildcats were playing football in Woodson, I look on the GPS to see how far out of the way it would be to swing thru there to see the boys crack some heads.  About 30-45 min out of the way wasn't bad so we stop in.  We see plenty of family friends there, but we run into one of my classmates parents, Barbara and Jon Lee Black.  Steph and I talk to Barbara for at least 20 minutes.  From my facebook, Julie, their daughter I went to high school with, posted on FB, "In light of obstacles we all face, I am humbled by a high school calssmates attitude and FAITH as he battles cancer!  And watched my mom put down her comp and pray w my dad as he requested!  I will b praying for good results too Heath!!" 
This is going to all my friends and family that thought of me and prayed for me!!  I'd posted on FB for prayers for this, and to me, it seemed selfish and self centered.  But honestly, I was and still am begging for time with my daughter and overall my life.  Again, thank you everyone that's tossed prayers up to THE BIG GUY for me.  I know in my heart of hearts thats whats working. 

Much love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Heath, I am so glad you went to the game and saw mom and dad. Another God thing dont you think. We were in a hotel in Ft Worth. I dont know why I continue to be amazed by my mom's strong Faith. When I saw what was going on I just stopped in my tracks. I just wanted to share that actual prayer was going up on your behalf to in some way comfort you and Steph. I know sometimes people say praying for you ect...but to really know someone is makes it different. My mom would agree that no human gets any glory for these wonderful results but as you said PRAISE GOD! Can't wait to see you soon!
